AWARD & OSCAR FFZ - Te la do io la Merica! - BLOGORUM - Since 2004

Novembre 2006 - Award Grafica - NeverLikeMe

  • Messaggi
    Post: 42.776
    Post: 20.224
    Registrato il: 19/09/2003
    Registrato il: 04/03/2005
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 01/12/2006 00:05


    Firma realizzata da
  • x®ay
    00 01/12/2006 01:49
    Grazie [SM=g27828] faccio quello che tira su la coppa per primo [SM=x611832]
    Post: 42.776
    Post: 20.224
    Registrato il: 19/09/2003
    Registrato il: 04/03/2005
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 01/12/2006 10:29

    Scritto da: x®ay 01/12/2006 1.49
    Grazie [SM=g27828] faccio quello che tira su la coppa per primo [SM=x611832]

    [SM=x611841] sei il capitano??


    Firma realizzata da
    Post: 13.718
    Post: 39
    Registrato il: 24/05/2002
    Registrato il: 16/03/2005
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 01/12/2006 11:27
    i miei complimenti!!
    bè a confronto il mio forum non ha tutte le tue che hai vinto..mi dai una mano afre le cartelle?? cosi la prossima volta vinco anche io?? hihih

    complimenti forum davvero bello..e arredato con gusto e tra l'altro quel rosa che compare..è porcelloso!! w il rosa..w il vin [SM=x611868] citore!!
    Post: 26.432
    Post: 225
    Registrato il: 25/02/2005
    Registrato il: 26/04/2005
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 01/12/2006 11:53
    [SM=x611837] davvero meritatitissimo, ora però si offre da bere minimo anche a tutti gli altri forum partecipanti [SM=x611803]
    Post: 42.776
    Post: 20.224
    Registrato il: 19/09/2003
    Registrato il: 04/03/2005
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 01/12/2006 12:13
    e alla giuria no?

    Firma realizzata da
    Post: 26.432
    Post: 225
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    Registrato il: 26/04/2005
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 01/12/2006 12:16
    quello era scontato, infatti ho detto minimo [SM=g27828]
    Post: 42.776
    Post: 20.224
    Registrato il: 19/09/2003
    Registrato il: 04/03/2005
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 01/12/2006 12:17
    ah ecco


    dai che siamo assetati

    Firma realizzata da
    Post: 16.084
    Post: 916
    Registrato il: 19/11/2004
    Registrato il: 31/05/2005
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 01/12/2006 14:05
    Ohhh, ma che avete fatto tutto senza di me?? Mò mi porto via la targa!!! [SM=x611803]

    [SM=x611822] [SM=x611822] [SM=x611822]

    Grazie Giuria!!!!

    Scusate ma ho un forte mal di testa, magari torno dopo a festeggiare, eh? [SM=x611822] [SM=x611822]


    Can you hear them?
    All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgment. All these people whose ancestors devoted themselves — sacrificed themselves — *to you*.
    Can you hear them singing?
    Oh, you like to think you’re a *God*.
    Well, you’re not a God — you’re just a parasite, eaten out with jealous, envy, and longing for the lives of others.
    You *feed* on them.
    On the memory of love, and loss, and birth, and death, and joy, and sorrow
    …so…SO…come on then, take mine. Take. My. Memories.
    But I hope you’ve got a big appetite.
    Because I have lived a LONG life, and I have seen a *few* things.
    I walked away from the last Great Time War.
    I marked the passing of the Time Lords.
    I saw the *birth* of the universe and I watched as time RAN OUT, moment by moment, until NOTHING remained — NO TIME, NO SPACE, *JUST ME*!
    I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a *mad* man.
    And I’ve watched universes freeze, and creations *burn* — I have seen things you WOULDN’T *BELIEVE* AND I HAVE *LOST* THINGS YOU WILL *NEVER* UNDERSTAND
    and I know things.
    Secrets that must never be told. *Knowledge* that must NEVER be *SPOKEN*! KNOWLEDGE THAT WILL MAKE. PARASITE.GODS. *BLAZE*!
    SO *COME* ON, THEN!!! TAKE IT!!!! TAKE IT ALL, BABY!!!!! HAVE IT! YOU. HAVE. IT. ALL!!!!!!!!!!

    Post: 42.776
    Post: 20.224
    Registrato il: 19/09/2003
    Registrato il: 04/03/2005
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 01/12/2006 14:57
    intanto prendi un Moment e qnd passa torna [SM=x611821]

    Firma realizzata da
    Post: 7.026
    Post: 1.213
    Registrato il: 19/09/2003
    Registrato il: 06/10/2005
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 01/12/2006 18:20
    Complimentissimi Nimu [SM=x611890]

    Sei un miracolo, mi dai il coraggio per stare dove sto
    sul ciglio di un equilibrio che non ho ..
    questa sono io, ma con te c'è la farò..

  • boyuniversity
    00 01/12/2006 18:50
    ha vinto la migliore!!!complimenti vivissimi [SM=x611820] [SM=x611934] [SM=x611951]
    Post: 52.578
    Post: 404
    Registrato il: 05/07/2005
    Registrato il: 06/02/2006
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 01/12/2006 19:10
    complimenti di cuore... vittoria meritatissima [SM=x611842]

    Nella vita, raramente si incontrano persone dolci d'animo e intelligenti. La loro traccia resta indelebile nel cuore e mai svanisce. Io ho incontrato te, ti voglio bene e ti sono infinitamente grato, perchè mi hai fatto vedere il paradiso

    ADMIN DI...

    Post: 16.084
    Post: 916
    Registrato il: 19/11/2004
    Registrato il: 31/05/2005
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 02/12/2006 00:38

    Scritto da: boyuniversity 01/12/2006 18.50
    ha vinto la migliore!!!complimenti vivissimi [SM=x611820] [SM=x611934] [SM=x611951]

    Ullallà, chi c'è! Grazie!!! [SM=x611819]


    Can you hear them?
    All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgment. All these people whose ancestors devoted themselves — sacrificed themselves — *to you*.
    Can you hear them singing?
    Oh, you like to think you’re a *God*.
    Well, you’re not a God — you’re just a parasite, eaten out with jealous, envy, and longing for the lives of others.
    You *feed* on them.
    On the memory of love, and loss, and birth, and death, and joy, and sorrow
    …so…SO…come on then, take mine. Take. My. Memories.
    But I hope you’ve got a big appetite.
    Because I have lived a LONG life, and I have seen a *few* things.
    I walked away from the last Great Time War.
    I marked the passing of the Time Lords.
    I saw the *birth* of the universe and I watched as time RAN OUT, moment by moment, until NOTHING remained — NO TIME, NO SPACE, *JUST ME*!
    I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a *mad* man.
    And I’ve watched universes freeze, and creations *burn* — I have seen things you WOULDN’T *BELIEVE* AND I HAVE *LOST* THINGS YOU WILL *NEVER* UNDERSTAND
    and I know things.
    Secrets that must never be told. *Knowledge* that must NEVER be *SPOKEN*! KNOWLEDGE THAT WILL MAKE. PARASITE.GODS. *BLAZE*!
    SO *COME* ON, THEN!!! TAKE IT!!!! TAKE IT ALL, BABY!!!!! HAVE IT! YOU. HAVE. IT. ALL!!!!!!!!!!

    Post: 16.084
    Post: 916
    Registrato il: 19/11/2004
    Registrato il: 31/05/2005
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 02/12/2006 00:40
    Grazie Mich, complimenti anche a te [SM=x611833]

    Grazie Bia e Pappi [SM=x611820]


    Can you hear them?
    All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgment. All these people whose ancestors devoted themselves — sacrificed themselves — *to you*.
    Can you hear them singing?
    Oh, you like to think you’re a *God*.
    Well, you’re not a God — you’re just a parasite, eaten out with jealous, envy, and longing for the lives of others.
    You *feed* on them.
    On the memory of love, and loss, and birth, and death, and joy, and sorrow
    …so…SO…come on then, take mine. Take. My. Memories.
    But I hope you’ve got a big appetite.
    Because I have lived a LONG life, and I have seen a *few* things.
    I walked away from the last Great Time War.
    I marked the passing of the Time Lords.
    I saw the *birth* of the universe and I watched as time RAN OUT, moment by moment, until NOTHING remained — NO TIME, NO SPACE, *JUST ME*!
    I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a *mad* man.
    And I’ve watched universes freeze, and creations *burn* — I have seen things you WOULDN’T *BELIEVE* AND I HAVE *LOST* THINGS YOU WILL *NEVER* UNDERSTAND
    and I know things.
    Secrets that must never be told. *Knowledge* that must NEVER be *SPOKEN*! KNOWLEDGE THAT WILL MAKE. PARASITE.GODS. *BLAZE*!
    SO *COME* ON, THEN!!! TAKE IT!!!! TAKE IT ALL, BABY!!!!! HAVE IT! YOU. HAVE. IT. ALL!!!!!!!!!!

    Post: 9.413
    Post: 252
    Registrato il: 24/06/2005
    Registrato il: 17/06/2006
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 02/12/2006 15:26
    complimenti!!! [SM=x611835]
    Post: 10.175
    Post: 0
    Registrato il: 13/01/2006
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    Sesso: Femminile
    00 02/12/2006 20:32
    [SM=x611837] [SM=x611837] [SM=x611837] [SM=x611837] [SM=x611842] [SM=x611842] [SM=x611842]