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Maggio 2005 - Award figo/a - Vale the Slayer

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 16/05/2005 21:41
Post: 1.579
Post: 206
Registrato il: 21/01/2005
Registrato il: 18/04/2005
Sesso: Femminile
Moderatrice A
18/04/2005 15:32
Scheda Utente

Poi se volete posto le altre...[SM=x611842]

In an age of nothing,
at a time when we stand at the brink of our own destruction-strenghten your belief, in yourself, in the future of humanity, in the things of this world which cannot easily be perceived. Awaken that which lies dormant now within your soul.
Re-ignite the flame of your consciousness, and measure the strenght of your convinction. Reveal the lie.
Renounce your hatred.
Seek, find and embrace the truths you are fortunate enough to discover. Cherish them, use them to anchor you in the sea of chaos that is the world we live in.
When twilight draws near, when you are pushed to the very limits of your soul, when it seems that all you have left are the dead remnants of the fabric of your life- BELIEVE

Lady Lolita Lempika in "La Tavola Rotonda"
Post: 1.579
Post: 206
Registrato il: 21/01/2005
Registrato il: 18/04/2005
Sesso: Femminile
Moderatrice A
18/04/2005 15:50
Scheda Utente

Fatte adesso

In an age of nothing,
at a time when we stand at the brink of our own destruction-strenghten your belief, in yourself, in the future of humanity, in the things of this world which cannot easily be perceived. Awaken that which lies dormant now within your soul.
Re-ignite the flame of your consciousness, and measure the strenght of your convinction. Reveal the lie.
Renounce your hatred.
Seek, find and embrace the truths you are fortunate enough to discover. Cherish them, use them to anchor you in the sea of chaos that is the world we live in.
When twilight draws near, when you are pushed to the very limits of your soul, when it seems that all you have left are the dead remnants of the fabric of your life- BELIEVE

Lady Lolita Lempika in "La Tavola Rotonda"
Post: 16.968
Post: 1.104
Registrato il: 13/04/2004
Registrato il: 09/12/2004
Sesso: Maschile
18/04/2005 15:58
Scheda Utente

O mamma...16 anni e sei già così figa? [SM=x611835]

Senti per questo mese le iscrizioni sono già chiuse perchè i concorsi sono iniziati il 16 (come ogni mese).
Quindi se sei d'accordo tengo buona la tua iscrizione, ma sarai iscritta ufficialmente a partire dal 1 maggio per gli Awards di Maggio 2005 ok? Facci sapere...[SM=g27836]
Post: 1.579
Post: 206
Registrato il: 21/01/2005
Registrato il: 18/04/2005
Sesso: Femminile
Moderatrice A
18/04/2005 16:06
Scheda Utente

ok ok...x me vabene...dici ke ho qualke possibilità???

In an age of nothing,
at a time when we stand at the brink of our own destruction-strenghten your belief, in yourself, in the future of humanity, in the things of this world which cannot easily be perceived. Awaken that which lies dormant now within your soul.
Re-ignite the flame of your consciousness, and measure the strenght of your convinction. Reveal the lie.
Renounce your hatred.
Seek, find and embrace the truths you are fortunate enough to discover. Cherish them, use them to anchor you in the sea of chaos that is the world we live in.
When twilight draws near, when you are pushed to the very limits of your soul, when it seems that all you have left are the dead remnants of the fabric of your life- BELIEVE

Lady Lolita Lempika in "La Tavola Rotonda"
Post: 2.573
Post: 88
Registrato il: 15/09/2004
Registrato il: 20/02/2005
Sesso: Maschile
18/04/2005 16:08
Scheda Utente

Dai che ti perdoniamo...[SM=g27828] [SM=g27827] cmq complimenti, sei la prima candidata x il mese di maggio! [SM=x611871] [SM=x611922] [SM=x611835]

Perchè piangi?!! tuo sangue è mio...adesso.....

Quando ti sveglierai e non vedrai più il sole, o sarai morto o sarai tu il sole.
(Jim Morrison)

- Non faccio promesse, le infrango.. -

Post: 42.776
Post: 20.224
Registrato il: 19/09/2003
Registrato il: 04/03/2005
Sesso: Maschile
18/04/2005 16:10
Scheda Utente

[SM=x611837] quanto alle possibilità... dipenda anke da qnt gente convinci a votarti [SM=x611837]

Firma realizzata da
Post: 1.579
Post: 206
Registrato il: 21/01/2005
Registrato il: 18/04/2005
Sesso: Femminile
Moderatrice A
18/04/2005 16:11
Scheda Utente

grazie....[SM=x611873] [SM=g27823]

In an age of nothing,
at a time when we stand at the brink of our own destruction-strenghten your belief, in yourself, in the future of humanity, in the things of this world which cannot easily be perceived. Awaken that which lies dormant now within your soul.
Re-ignite the flame of your consciousness, and measure the strenght of your convinction. Reveal the lie.
Renounce your hatred.
Seek, find and embrace the truths you are fortunate enough to discover. Cherish them, use them to anchor you in the sea of chaos that is the world we live in.
When twilight draws near, when you are pushed to the very limits of your soul, when it seems that all you have left are the dead remnants of the fabric of your life- BELIEVE

Lady Lolita Lempika in "La Tavola Rotonda"
Post: 42.776
Post: 20.224
Registrato il: 19/09/2003
Registrato il: 04/03/2005
Sesso: Maschile
18/04/2005 16:14
Scheda Utente

[SM=g27811] [SM=x611901]

Firma realizzata da
Post: 1.579
Post: 206
Registrato il: 21/01/2005
Registrato il: 18/04/2005
Sesso: Femminile
Moderatrice A
19/04/2005 16:04
Scheda Utente


DoMaNdA:mA qUaNdO eScE lA pAgInA CoN l'ElEnCo DeI pArTeCiPaNtI x Il MeSe Di MaGgIo???[SM=g27818]

In an age of nothing,
at a time when we stand at the brink of our own destruction-strenghten your belief, in yourself, in the future of humanity, in the things of this world which cannot easily be perceived. Awaken that which lies dormant now within your soul.
Re-ignite the flame of your consciousness, and measure the strenght of your convinction. Reveal the lie.
Renounce your hatred.
Seek, find and embrace the truths you are fortunate enough to discover. Cherish them, use them to anchor you in the sea of chaos that is the world we live in.
When twilight draws near, when you are pushed to the very limits of your soul, when it seems that all you have left are the dead remnants of the fabric of your life- BELIEVE

Lady Lolita Lempika in "La Tavola Rotonda"
Post: 42.776
Post: 20.224
Registrato il: 19/09/2003
Registrato il: 04/03/2005
Sesso: Maschile
19/04/2005 16:24
Scheda Utente

bè le iscrizioni sono aperte a tutti dal 1 del mese al 15
e il 16 cominciano le gare...
quindi per sapere tutti i concorrenti di maggio bisogna aspettare il 16 maggio[SM=x611865]

Firma realizzata da
Post: 1.579
Post: 206
Registrato il: 21/01/2005
Registrato il: 18/04/2005
Sesso: Femminile
Moderatrice A
19/04/2005 18:39
Scheda Utente


In an age of nothing,
at a time when we stand at the brink of our own destruction-strenghten your belief, in yourself, in the future of humanity, in the things of this world which cannot easily be perceived. Awaken that which lies dormant now within your soul.
Re-ignite the flame of your consciousness, and measure the strenght of your convinction. Reveal the lie.
Renounce your hatred.
Seek, find and embrace the truths you are fortunate enough to discover. Cherish them, use them to anchor you in the sea of chaos that is the world we live in.
When twilight draws near, when you are pushed to the very limits of your soul, when it seems that all you have left are the dead remnants of the fabric of your life- BELIEVE

Lady Lolita Lempika in "La Tavola Rotonda"
Post: 46.430
Post: 690
Registrato il: 18/07/2004
Registrato il: 15/11/2004
Sesso: Maschile
21/04/2005 13:21
Scheda Utente

altre foto[SM=x611837]

Immagina Kurt Cobain e Billie Holliday senza la robba
Hendrix e Morrison senza LSD
Prova a immaginare Vasco senza la coca
la vita spericolata e la voce sporca

Post: 56.766
Post: 41.465
Registrato il: 04/02/2004
Registrato il: 13/11/2004
Sesso: Maschile
Admin Unico
21/04/2005 15:08
Scheda Utente

[SM=x611952] Benvenuta a bordo! [SM=x611826]

02/05/2005 09:44
Scheda Utente

[SM=x611837] buona fortuna...[SM=x611901]
Post: 1.579
Post: 206
Registrato il: 21/01/2005
Registrato il: 18/04/2005
Sesso: Femminile
Moderatrice A
04/05/2005 14:22
Scheda Utente

Il link x votare???
Ecco le altre foto...


In an age of nothing,
at a time when we stand at the brink of our own destruction-strenghten your belief, in yourself, in the future of humanity, in the things of this world which cannot easily be perceived. Awaken that which lies dormant now within your soul.
Re-ignite the flame of your consciousness, and measure the strenght of your convinction. Reveal the lie.
Renounce your hatred.
Seek, find and embrace the truths you are fortunate enough to discover. Cherish them, use them to anchor you in the sea of chaos that is the world we live in.
When twilight draws near, when you are pushed to the very limits of your soul, when it seems that all you have left are the dead remnants of the fabric of your life- BELIEVE

Lady Lolita Lempika in "La Tavola Rotonda"
Post: 2.807
Post: 913
Registrato il: 01/03/2004
Registrato il: 14/11/2004
Sesso: Maschile
04/05/2005 15:46
Scheda Utente

Per votare devi aspettare il 16....verrà aperto un sondaggio nella cartella "Award & Oscar FFZ per l'utente + figo/a di FFZ"

In bocca al lupo!!![SM=g27811]

Whatcha gonna do, brother, when Hulkamania runs wild on you?!

Post: 1.579
Post: 206
Registrato il: 21/01/2005
Registrato il: 18/04/2005
Sesso: Femminile
Moderatrice A
05/05/2005 11:42
Scheda Utente

Ecco altre foto...

In an age of nothing,
at a time when we stand at the brink of our own destruction-strenghten your belief, in yourself, in the future of humanity, in the things of this world which cannot easily be perceived. Awaken that which lies dormant now within your soul.
Re-ignite the flame of your consciousness, and measure the strenght of your convinction. Reveal the lie.
Renounce your hatred.
Seek, find and embrace the truths you are fortunate enough to discover. Cherish them, use them to anchor you in the sea of chaos that is the world we live in.
When twilight draws near, when you are pushed to the very limits of your soul, when it seems that all you have left are the dead remnants of the fabric of your life- BELIEVE

Lady Lolita Lempika in "La Tavola Rotonda"
Post: 5.009
Post: 753
Registrato il: 12/03/2005
Registrato il: 16/04/2005
Sesso: Maschile
05/05/2005 12:00
Scheda Utente

Ti darò una bellissima notizia...hai l'armadio uguale al mio...[SM=g27832]

Post: 42.776
Post: 20.224
Registrato il: 19/09/2003
Registrato il: 04/03/2005
Sesso: Maschile
05/05/2005 12:04
Scheda Utente


Firma realizzata da
Post: 56.766
Post: 41.465
Registrato il: 04/02/2004
Registrato il: 13/11/2004
Sesso: Maschile
Admin Unico
05/05/2005 12:10
Scheda Utente

Mi sa che anche questo mese ci sarà una dura battaglia per l'Award Figo/a !!! [SM=x611840]

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