Stellar Blade Un'esclusiva PS5 che sta facendo discutere per l'eccessiva bellezza della protagonista. Vieni a parlarne su Award & Oscar!

AWARD & OSCAR FFZ - Te la do io la Merica! - BLOGORUM - Since 2004

Abilitazione "Oltre ogni limite"

  • Messaggi
    Post: 1.475
    Post: 106
    Registrato il: 12/03/2006
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    Sesso: Maschile
    00 23/09/2006 13:54
    dai partecipando ormai tanto al forum chiedo pure io il permesso... anche se non so cosa aspettarmi da voi!!!! [SM=x611856] [SM=x611855]
    Post: 56.740
    Post: 41.444
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    Sesso: Maschile
    Admin Unico
    00 25/09/2006 07:08
    Ormai sei dei nostri...ti abilito al volo! [SM=g27811]

    Post: 1.475
    Post: 106
    Registrato il: 12/03/2006
    Registrato il: 12/09/2006
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 25/09/2006 10:00
    si ormai... siamo della stessa pasta....

    mah mi stavo chiedendo... per me sarà un bene?!?!?!?!?!

    scherzo!!! siete davvero grandi ragazzi!!!!!!!!!!

    ora vado a vedere "quella" parte di voi... ho più paura di quando stai per scendere dalle montagne russe... dopodomani ho l'esame di filosofia e non so un caxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo!!!!! [SM=x611887]
    Post: 16.084
    Post: 916
    Registrato il: 19/11/2004
    Registrato il: 31/05/2005
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 13/10/2006 20:25
    Sarebbe una sezione per soli uomini??


    Can you hear them?
    All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgment. All these people whose ancestors devoted themselves — sacrificed themselves — *to you*.
    Can you hear them singing?
    Oh, you like to think you’re a *God*.
    Well, you’re not a God — you’re just a parasite, eaten out with jealous, envy, and longing for the lives of others.
    You *feed* on them.
    On the memory of love, and loss, and birth, and death, and joy, and sorrow
    …so…SO…come on then, take mine. Take. My. Memories.
    But I hope you’ve got a big appetite.
    Because I have lived a LONG life, and I have seen a *few* things.
    I walked away from the last Great Time War.
    I marked the passing of the Time Lords.
    I saw the *birth* of the universe and I watched as time RAN OUT, moment by moment, until NOTHING remained — NO TIME, NO SPACE, *JUST ME*!
    I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a *mad* man.
    And I’ve watched universes freeze, and creations *burn* — I have seen things you WOULDN’T *BELIEVE* AND I HAVE *LOST* THINGS YOU WILL *NEVER* UNDERSTAND
    and I know things.
    Secrets that must never be told. *Knowledge* that must NEVER be *SPOKEN*! KNOWLEDGE THAT WILL MAKE. PARASITE.GODS. *BLAZE*!
    SO *COME* ON, THEN!!! TAKE IT!!!! TAKE IT ALL, BABY!!!!! HAVE IT! YOU. HAVE. IT. ALL!!!!!!!!!!

    Post: 56.740
    Post: 41.444
    Registrato il: 04/02/2004
    Registrato il: 13/11/2004
    Sesso: Maschile
    Admin Unico
    00 13/10/2006 21:57

    Sarebbe una sezione per soli uomini??

    E che sfizio ci sarebbe? Oltre ogni limite ci si va in due...o in 3...o in 4...insomma NON DA SOLI !!! [SM=g27828]
    Vuoi essere abilitata anche tu???

    Post: 16.084
    Post: 916
    Registrato il: 19/11/2004
    Registrato il: 31/05/2005
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 13/10/2006 22:02
    Boh, non lo so, poi non so se ci scrivo...
    Fai te, poi casomai mi disabiliti...


    Can you hear them?
    All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgment. All these people whose ancestors devoted themselves — sacrificed themselves — *to you*.
    Can you hear them singing?
    Oh, you like to think you’re a *God*.
    Well, you’re not a God — you’re just a parasite, eaten out with jealous, envy, and longing for the lives of others.
    You *feed* on them.
    On the memory of love, and loss, and birth, and death, and joy, and sorrow
    …so…SO…come on then, take mine. Take. My. Memories.
    But I hope you’ve got a big appetite.
    Because I have lived a LONG life, and I have seen a *few* things.
    I walked away from the last Great Time War.
    I marked the passing of the Time Lords.
    I saw the *birth* of the universe and I watched as time RAN OUT, moment by moment, until NOTHING remained — NO TIME, NO SPACE, *JUST ME*!
    I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a *mad* man.
    And I’ve watched universes freeze, and creations *burn* — I have seen things you WOULDN’T *BELIEVE* AND I HAVE *LOST* THINGS YOU WILL *NEVER* UNDERSTAND
    and I know things.
    Secrets that must never be told. *Knowledge* that must NEVER be *SPOKEN*! KNOWLEDGE THAT WILL MAKE. PARASITE.GODS. *BLAZE*!
    SO *COME* ON, THEN!!! TAKE IT!!!! TAKE IT ALL, BABY!!!!! HAVE IT! YOU. HAVE. IT. ALL!!!!!!!!!!

    Post: 56.740
    Post: 41.444
    Registrato il: 04/02/2004
    Registrato il: 13/11/2004
    Sesso: Maschile
    Admin Unico
    00 13/10/2006 22:11

    Fai te

    Ok...ti abilito! [SM=g27811]

    Post: 16.084
    Post: 916
    Registrato il: 19/11/2004
    Registrato il: 31/05/2005
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 13/10/2006 22:15

    Scritto da: ilpoeta59 13/10/2006 22.11

    Fai te

    Ok...ti abilito! [SM=g27811]

    Grazie, tanto non sono spiona... se mai leggo rispondo. [SM=g27828]


    Can you hear them?
    All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgment. All these people whose ancestors devoted themselves — sacrificed themselves — *to you*.
    Can you hear them singing?
    Oh, you like to think you’re a *God*.
    Well, you’re not a God — you’re just a parasite, eaten out with jealous, envy, and longing for the lives of others.
    You *feed* on them.
    On the memory of love, and loss, and birth, and death, and joy, and sorrow
    …so…SO…come on then, take mine. Take. My. Memories.
    But I hope you’ve got a big appetite.
    Because I have lived a LONG life, and I have seen a *few* things.
    I walked away from the last Great Time War.
    I marked the passing of the Time Lords.
    I saw the *birth* of the universe and I watched as time RAN OUT, moment by moment, until NOTHING remained — NO TIME, NO SPACE, *JUST ME*!
    I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a *mad* man.
    And I’ve watched universes freeze, and creations *burn* — I have seen things you WOULDN’T *BELIEVE* AND I HAVE *LOST* THINGS YOU WILL *NEVER* UNDERSTAND
    and I know things.
    Secrets that must never be told. *Knowledge* that must NEVER be *SPOKEN*! KNOWLEDGE THAT WILL MAKE. PARASITE.GODS. *BLAZE*!
    SO *COME* ON, THEN!!! TAKE IT!!!! TAKE IT ALL, BABY!!!!! HAVE IT! YOU. HAVE. IT. ALL!!!!!!!!!!

    Post: 56.740
    Post: 41.444
    Registrato il: 04/02/2004
    Registrato il: 13/11/2004
    Sesso: Maschile
    Admin Unico
    00 13/10/2006 22:17

    Grazie, tanto non sono spiona... se mai leggo rispondo.

    Ma figurati...cmq con te siamo in 45 utenti abilitati alla sezione hot! [SM=g27828]

    Post: 16.084
    Post: 916
    Registrato il: 19/11/2004
    Registrato il: 31/05/2005
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 13/10/2006 22:19

    Scritto da: ilpoeta59 13/10/2006 22.17

    Grazie, tanto non sono spiona... se mai leggo rispondo.

    Ma figurati...cmq con te siamo in 45 utenti abilitati alla sezione hot! [SM=g27828]

    45, e ci scrivono tutti??


    Can you hear them?
    All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgment. All these people whose ancestors devoted themselves — sacrificed themselves — *to you*.
    Can you hear them singing?
    Oh, you like to think you’re a *God*.
    Well, you’re not a God — you’re just a parasite, eaten out with jealous, envy, and longing for the lives of others.
    You *feed* on them.
    On the memory of love, and loss, and birth, and death, and joy, and sorrow
    …so…SO…come on then, take mine. Take. My. Memories.
    But I hope you’ve got a big appetite.
    Because I have lived a LONG life, and I have seen a *few* things.
    I walked away from the last Great Time War.
    I marked the passing of the Time Lords.
    I saw the *birth* of the universe and I watched as time RAN OUT, moment by moment, until NOTHING remained — NO TIME, NO SPACE, *JUST ME*!
    I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a *mad* man.
    And I’ve watched universes freeze, and creations *burn* — I have seen things you WOULDN’T *BELIEVE* AND I HAVE *LOST* THINGS YOU WILL *NEVER* UNDERSTAND
    and I know things.
    Secrets that must never be told. *Knowledge* that must NEVER be *SPOKEN*! KNOWLEDGE THAT WILL MAKE. PARASITE.GODS. *BLAZE*!
    SO *COME* ON, THEN!!! TAKE IT!!!! TAKE IT ALL, BABY!!!!! HAVE IT! YOU. HAVE. IT. ALL!!!!!!!!!!

    Post: 56.740
    Post: 41.444
    Registrato il: 04/02/2004
    Registrato il: 13/11/2004
    Sesso: Maschile
    Admin Unico
    00 13/10/2006 22:25

    45, e ci scrivono tutti??

    Ci scrivono (o ci hanno scritto tutti)...niente "guardoni"...bisogna partecipare! [SM=g27828]

    Post: 16.084
    Post: 916
    Registrato il: 19/11/2004
    Registrato il: 31/05/2005
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 13/10/2006 22:29

    Scritto da: ilpoeta59 13/10/2006 22.25

    45, e ci scrivono tutti??

    Ci scrivono (o ci hanno scritto tutti)...niente "guardoni"...bisogna partecipare! [SM=g27828]

    Ti ho detto che io non sono guardona!! Se leggo rispondo. Ancora non ci sono entrata. [SM=g27828]


    Can you hear them?
    All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgment. All these people whose ancestors devoted themselves — sacrificed themselves — *to you*.
    Can you hear them singing?
    Oh, you like to think you’re a *God*.
    Well, you’re not a God — you’re just a parasite, eaten out with jealous, envy, and longing for the lives of others.
    You *feed* on them.
    On the memory of love, and loss, and birth, and death, and joy, and sorrow
    …so…SO…come on then, take mine. Take. My. Memories.
    But I hope you’ve got a big appetite.
    Because I have lived a LONG life, and I have seen a *few* things.
    I walked away from the last Great Time War.
    I marked the passing of the Time Lords.
    I saw the *birth* of the universe and I watched as time RAN OUT, moment by moment, until NOTHING remained — NO TIME, NO SPACE, *JUST ME*!
    I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a *mad* man.
    And I’ve watched universes freeze, and creations *burn* — I have seen things you WOULDN’T *BELIEVE* AND I HAVE *LOST* THINGS YOU WILL *NEVER* UNDERSTAND
    and I know things.
    Secrets that must never be told. *Knowledge* that must NEVER be *SPOKEN*! KNOWLEDGE THAT WILL MAKE. PARASITE.GODS. *BLAZE*!
    SO *COME* ON, THEN!!! TAKE IT!!!! TAKE IT ALL, BABY!!!!! HAVE IT! YOU. HAVE. IT. ALL!!!!!!!!!!

    Post: 56.740
    Post: 41.444
    Registrato il: 04/02/2004
    Registrato il: 13/11/2004
    Sesso: Maschile
    Admin Unico
    00 13/10/2006 23:19

    Ancora non ci sono entrata.

    Eddàiiiiiii...non vedo l'ora di leggere i tuoi commenti! [SM=g27828]
    Speriamo che "dopo" mi vorrai bene lo stesso!!!

    Post: 3.758
    Post: 225
    Registrato il: 27/02/2006
    Registrato il: 31/10/2006
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 31/10/2006 18:43
    Ciao, posso introfularmi anche io in questa sezione hard? Sono curioso di vedere cosa ci sia scritto!

    P.s. Cerchiamo moderatori
    Post: 56.740
    Post: 41.444
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    Sesso: Maschile
    Admin Unico
    00 05/11/2006 20:19
    Ti ho abilitato paisà! [SM=g27811]

    Post: 10.175
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    Sesso: Femminile
    00 09/11/2006 22:51
    a conti fatti chi siamo? [SM=g27817]
    Post: 42.776
    Post: 20.224
    Registrato il: 19/09/2003
    Registrato il: 04/03/2005
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 09/11/2006 23:04
    bella domanda [SM=x611841]
    io non ho intenzione di andare a controllare, troppo tempo [SM=g27827]:

    Firma realizzata da
    Post: 10.175
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    Sesso: Femminile
    00 10/11/2006 12:24
    io posso avere l'abilitazione? [SM=g27818]
    Post: 42.776
    Post: 20.224
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    Sesso: Maschile
    00 10/11/2006 13:21
    certo basta chiedere

    Firma realizzata da
    Post: 56.740
    Post: 41.444
    Registrato il: 04/02/2004
    Registrato il: 13/11/2004
    Sesso: Maschile
    Admin Unico
    00 11/11/2006 00:12
    Ciao Vale...ti abilito e me ne vado a nanna! [SM=x611876]